
comes in all sorts of packages my wife’s laugh as she speaks with SMO re: “when else can you try human flesh without it being like murder?”. that was after the exclamation that “of course Johnny kept his leg!” Or standing in …

I looked for a name…

of human endeavors, of looking to the heavens – durhamtown, Oct ’18 Pittsburgh. Synagogue. Couldn’t recall their level of faith.Google took me to words written, a description of the life after – ‘retrofitting a hundred-year-old Victorian house in Pittsburgh’s East End’Google ‘pittsburgh …

of double edged blades

I noted the headline last week from the Intercept/ Guardian on the latest release of good sir Snowden’s archives.  // hmmm, soviet resident, yes? hmmm, oddly powerful russian hacking? hmmm, these times are certainly interesting, da?// Of deeds perpetuated in the name …