July First, again

Hi. Hope you’re getting through this chaotic time decently. As I enter the ‘next’ month of uncertainty and confusion, well – why not overload my ‘things to do list’ with all the creativity I’ve been wanting to craft, eh? //12:02a+2Jul2020=Thursday, barely | …

Stoop time

in which I speak from the front of Hobbit House, and Hali-dog makes her debut. Cool, right? I’m finding the process of multiple creative actions a bit challenging – thank goodness I’m embracing the whole ‘1000 pots’ strategy, eh?

003 Fast clouds

Sure – I can blog – words are not hard for me, and occasionally they’re pretty alright. Nearing ‘decent’ at times. Honest. This – this! – this is harder though. What am I doing? Creating? Like an artist? Naw … that’s not …

002 Clouds

I suspect in a few days I’ll figure out the numbering/naming conventions, eh? Wish me luck – ’til then here’s a video I shot in our side yard of the clouds – captured on an N6, pushed to Premier, Google-taught time squish …